Grilled Sprouts

My family loves brussel sprouts, so I am always finding new ways to make them. Did these with steaks the other night, and they were a huge hit.


1lb. Brussel Sprouts (cut in half long way)

3 1/2T Olive Oil

1/4C +1 T Balsalmic Vinegar

1 1/2 T Grain Mustard (can use Dijon, or any other than yellow)

1 heaping T Honey

Spicy Flavor to taste(Red pepper flakes, cayenne, I used Chipotle Chili Power, anything will work)

Salt and Pepper

Grated Parmesan Cheese


-In large bowl mix all ingredients except sprouts, cheese, salt and pepper.

-Add in cut sprouts, and stir/toss to coat, allow to marinate about 1 hour, stir a bit to ensure all sprouts evenly marinated.

-Place sprouts on skewers (if using wood, please soak in water prior to prevent flames while grilling), season both sides with salt and pepper.

-Cook on hot grill (at least 350 degrees) 5 minutes, flip and cook 5 more minutes.

-Remove from grill and sprinkle with parmesan. Enjoy!

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